Travel by taxi quickly, comfortably and safely with Free Taxis App, the 100% Colombian app that moves the country.
How does Free Taxis App work?
😀 1. Create your trip: Enter the App and select Where are you going? Then, enter your location, select it in the history or indicate it on the App's map.
🚕 2. Customize it: Select the type of taxi depending on where you are, write the promo code (if you have one) and check the estimated value of the trip .
💲 3. Check the breakdown of the rate: For your peace of mind, we will indicate a price range for you to estimate the value of your service. After ordering the taxi, you will see the details of the driver.
💳 4. Select your payment method: You can pay in cash, through digital vouchers, debit or credit card or QR code
👨🏻✈️ 5. Start your trip: When you're in the taxi, tell the driver the code. If you selected cash, they are the last two digits of your cell phone and if it is with a voucher or cards, the password will be dynamic.
🕐 6. We are with you throughout the trip: You can communicate with our Contact Center during or after the trip 24/7.
Where are we available?
Free Taxis App is available in Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, Bucaramanga, Cúcuta and Manizales, as well as in the surrounding municipalities of these cities.
What are the benefits of traveling with Free Taxis App?
🤓 More than 35 years of experience: Free Taxis belongs to Grupo Carrera, a business group with more than 35 years of experience in the automotive sector.
🛡️ Insurance: We have policies that protect you on all your trips requested through Taxis Libres App. In addition, we are a jointly and severally liable company in the face of any eventuality.
💰 You know the value of the trip in advance: We will show you a minimum and maximum range of how much your service will cost. Remember that our rates are regulated by the mobility secretariats at the national level.
🔎 You can share your trip data: For greater peace of mind, you can share your trip data with friends, family and acquaintances through applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, among others
• Choose taxis depending on the city:
🚖 Normal
🚕 Premium
🚗 Luxury
🚙 Icontec
🚘 Gender equity
💳 Different means of payment: Cash, Digital Vouchers, Debit or Credit Cards and QR Codes. Choose the payment method you want to pay for your service.
🤩 Qualified drivers: Our high quality standards will allow you to travel with the best drivers. In addition, we offer courses and training to our associates to professionalize them and offer you the best service.
🛡️ 24/7 support: Our Contact Center offers you comprehensive telephone support 24/7. In addition, you can file Requests, Complaints or Suggestions through our Help Center in Free Taxis App or on our website.
🚕 Wide range of vehicles and services: In each of the cities where we provide the service, we have different types of vehicles and experiences that you will see within the application.
Are you looking for a transport solution for your company?
Our transportation service for companies and our digital voucher platform will help you assign and control the trips of your collaborators. In addition, we adjust to your budget. More information at https://www.taxislibres.com.co/transporte-para-empresas/
Do you want to be an ally Free Taxis driver and produce more profits?
Increase your income, certify yourself with our courses and training and become an ambassador of your city with Free Taxis App Driver. More information at https://www.taxislibres.com.co/conductores
Do you have any doubt or comment? Do you want to know more about our history?
Visit us on our website taxislibres.com.co or on our social networks such as Instagram and TikTok.
Taxis Libres Viajero 5.37. 1
Corrections to the origin and destination selection
Free Taxis Traveler 5.36.4
- Adjustments to the origin and destination selection UI
- Origin address with "Shopping Center" adds the address to the selected place.
- Adjustment of the location marker on the screen after selecting a different origin than the actual one.
Taxis Libres Viajero 5.34.3
- Refactoring of parameters for updating the token for FCM
Free taxis traveler 5.34.1
- Updated reservation flow process TL**
- Clevertap profile city id added to segment by city
**Free Taxis Traveler V 5.33.10**
- Airport Destination Event clevertap.
- Firebase crash resolution.
- Refactoring images not used in the app.
**Free Taxis Traveler V 5.33.10**
- Airport Destination Event clevertap.
- Firebase crash resolution.
- Refactoring images not used in the app.
**Taxis Libres Viajero V 5.33.9**
- When the driver cancels the service, the service is immediately requested again with the same characteristics. Applies to all types of service.
- Source and destination entry UI update: The size of the card view is reduced so that the list is broader.
- Correction crash in splash for versions lower than Android 8.0
- Correction to enable request service button when trips are without destination and with QR and voucher payment method.
**Free Taxis Traveler V 5.33.7**
- New type of Flash Taxi service: Service with $3000 tip included. Only applies to payments with QR card or cash.
- Update iconography types of services.
Taxis Libres Viajero V 5.33.4:
* Adjustments in recurring places: The list is reduced to 5 places, duplication is corrected.
* Clever tap integration and event sending in the service flow.
* Correction of Card payment option with null pricing.
* Updated Google Maps styles (includes ODRD map).
Free Taxis Traveler V 5.33.1:
* Minor fixes
Taxis Libres Viajero 5.32.5:
UI Adjustments
Taxis Libres Viajero 5.32.4:
* UI adjustments:
- Time and date picker customization
- Reservation typography and margin adjustments, confirm reservation button adjustment
- Reservation confirmation screen modification
- Reservation details modification
* Improves driver certifications service consumption.
Taxis Libres Viajero 5.32.3:
* UI adjustments:
- PQS help center
- Service pricing view.
*Change of address autocomplete provider.
Taxis Libres Viajero 5.32.2:
* UI adjustments:
- create PQS section
* Adjust detail selection of corresponding type of taxi.
*Section Talk to us changes to: Cities and Rates.
*Increase SDK target version to Api 33
Taxis Libres Viajero 5.31.1:
* UI Settings:
- Info Services
- History
- Map of Free Taxi Zones
- Service details
* Improved adjustment of address autocompletion providers.
* Minor fixes.
Taxis Libres Viajero 5.31.1:
* UI Settings:
- Info Services
- History
- Map of Free Taxi Zones
- Service details
* Improved adjustment of address autocompletion providers.
* Minor fixes.
Free Taxis 5.30.0:
* Deeplinks update.
* Correction list size of vouchers
* Adjust small screens code validation corporate email
* Fit small screens, profile, help center, vouchers.
* It includes a search engine for vouchers by cost center in the list of vouchers
Taxis Libres 5.29.0:
*UI update driver rating in history.
*Notification in the selection of travel with pets.
*Display of driver certifications.
* A new free taxi zone is added: Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo.
* New function is added in the menu: Allies
* Bug fixes.
Taxis Libres 5.28.0
* New vehicle search UI.
* Adjusts travel icons with features and certifications.
* Added layout for Samsung A10.
* Minor fixes.
Free Taxis 5.24.0
*New function to qualify the driver and the vehicle from the history.
*Correction alert HMS Services.
*Update free zone hours Salitre Plaza and Theatron Minor
Free Taxis 5.23.1
* Free Taxi Zones (Bogotá and Cali)
* Minor corrections
Free Taxis 5.22.0
* Added free mail function for business users.
* Display fixes for y33s vivo device.
* Deep Link fixes for Huawei
* Minor fixes
Free Taxis 5.20.0
* Detailed answers are added when adding Credit / Debit Cards.
* Update UI service history detail.
* Adjustments in the persistence of the data in the UI of the service.
* Value of the promo code is adjusted throughout the UI of the app.
* Adjust deeplink for services from petal maps.
Free Taxis 5.14.5
- Sonic Brand MasterCard Free Taxis 5.14.5 - Sonic Brand MasterCard Free Taxis 5.14.5 - Sonic Brand MasterCard Hello ATRESplayers! We continue working on offering you the best digital content and for this we have added a new format so that you can continue watching your favorite series where you left off. From time to time we tweak the app to offer a better experience to our listeners. Update to the new version to continue enjoying our applications. In this latest version, new functionalities have been added, bugs have been corrected and performance improvements have been made. - Fix of some texts
- Free Taxis 5.14.3
- Text and Icon corrections
- Update promo code services
Free Taxis 5.14.2
* Screen correction with anomalies at the end of the service
* Updated the contact numbers for the new dialing in the country (Talk to us section of the side menu).
* Visual UI settings vouchers for devices from 4 inches.
* Correction and adjustment of texts
Optimized service
- Free Taxis 5.13.7
- Cost view is included in confirmed.
- Corrected wrong data message in digital vouchers.
- Free Taxis 5.13.5
- Service recovery is included.
- It includes a solution to blocking in the form of effective payment.
- A view adjustment is made that indicates the status of the reservation.
- A bug solution is included with a reservation created and service completed.
- Color is updated in reserve status in assignment.
- Free Taxis 5.12.1
- A solution to blocking is included when opening the service history.
- Free Taxis 5.11.1
- Animation of the route between the origin and the destination is included.
- It includes a solution to the error presented when pressing the origin or destination address.
- Free Taxis 5.9.1
- A closing solution is included when you want to enter the service details menu.
- The approximate word is removed when the means of payment is a credit card or digital voucher.
- Free Taxis 5.8.1
- Solution to blockage that was presented when creating a ticket.
- Free Taxis 5.7.1
- Help center menu is included.
- The option to create a ticket with a request, complaint or suggestion is enabled.
- The option to view the tickets created is included.
- The option to view the status of the ticket is included.
- The email help option is disabled.
- Free Taxis 5.6.1
- A solution to a user experience error is included when the service is canceled from the driver.
- Free Taxis 5.5.1
- It includes a solution to the blocking that is generated when selecting the payment method voucher.
- Free Taxis 5.4.2
- A solution to the email request is included when creating the service with a credit card.
- Free Taxis 5.3.2
- A solution to an error that occurred in Android 5.1 devices is included in the menu enter the verification code.
- Free Taxis 5.3.1
- Informational texts and design improvements are included.
- We improved the login menu, new design allowing quick and easy entry.
- A new option is enabled to verify the phone number.
- Email is no longer required to create a Cash service.
- Email is only necessary if you want to pay with a digital voucher or credit card.
- Free Taxis 5.2.5
- Improvements are included in the option to autocomplete addresses for the city of Cali.
- Navigation events are added in the app.
- Free Taxis 5.2.2
- The option that allows you to see the details of the cost at the end of the service is enabled.
- The call icon in the chat menu is updated.
- Cost details view is updated to show surcharges.
- The cost breakdown is enabled in the service summary.
- Fixed bug that hid the menu with the driver's data.
- User experience improvements are included.
- Free Taxis 5.2.2
- The option that allows you to see the details of the cost at the end of the service is enabled.
- The call icon in the chat menu is updated.
- Cost details view is updated to show surcharges.
- The cost breakdown is enabled in the service summary.
- Fixed bug that hid the menu with the driver's data.
- User experience improvements are included.
- Free Taxis 5.2.1
- Bug fix when showing service details.
- Fixed a bug when showing the details of the service with the meter.
- Message is added when disabling location permissions.
- Free Taxis 5.1.1
- App closure on some devices when showing nearby vehicles is fixed.
- Solution to tip format in field another tip.
- A novelty has been solved when showing taxi location in teams with only hms.
- A novelty has been solved when showing the vehicles close to the user with only hms.
- Field interface of the list in service history is updated.
- Free Taxis 5.0.9
- Cost details view for 4 'teams is improved.
- A new feature has been solved when confirming the service on 4 'devices and showing the location of the taxi.
- A novelty is solved when requesting the service.
- New feature at login has been solved.
- Free Taxis 4.8.0
- We add Premium service for the city of Bogota.
- We improve the user experience when configuring the service to request.
- Free Taxis 4.7.2
- A novelty found in Android 8.0 when no vehicle is found in the area is solved.
- Minor improvements in the app for Cash services.
- Free Taxis 4.6.3
- Update that allows improving the user experience.
- Free Taxis 4.6.2
- Novelty reported in bucaramanga is solved.
- The favorite address is saved with the information written by the user in the source address field.
- Free Taxis 4.6.0
- The option that allows editing the service's source address is improved.
- Reported news is solved.
- The autocomplete option is optimized when searching for the destination.
- Free Taxis 4.2.4
- Improvements for the user experience
- Free Taxis 4.2.3
- Conflict reported on devices with Android 9.0 is solved.
- Free Taxis 4.2.0
- The telephone numbers available for requesting service in the following cities are added:
Bogota, Cali, Medellin, Bucaramanga, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Santa Marta, Cúcuta, Manizales.
- The coverage for Luxury services is extended throughout the City of Cali.
- A solution to report news is implemented.
- Free Taxis 4.1.24
- The application for the identity document is made, for the services that you want to pay with a credit card.
- The option that tells the user when an update must be mandatory is enabled.
- Option for voucher services is enabled, which allows the user to approve the disbursement of the money to the driver at the time of qualifying the service.
- Request for luxury service for Cali.
- Free Taxis 4.1.23
- Political information on data processing is attached.
- Free Taxis 4.1.20
- Request rate estimate for services requested in Bucaramanga.
- Free Taxis 4.1.19
- Solution of news reported by users.
- Improvements in the geolocation service.
- Informative messages are added when requesting a service.